Blacktech RML 79473 — Air Bag Suspension and Air Springs for Semi Trucks - Big Rig Components

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111 Industrial Blvd
Mansfield, TX, 76063


We provide replacement Air Springs and Suspension parts for most Heavy Duty Trucks including brands Kenworth, Peterbilt, Hendrickson, Freightliner and more.

Replacement Air Springs and Air Bags

Find your Replacement Air Springs / Air Bags for your Semi Truck. We provide the most affordable prices and they all include the best warrnty available.

Blacktech RML 79473


Blacktech RML 79473


The Blacktech RML 79473 air spring comes with a commitment to product quality by offering a two year or 250,000 miles warranty (whichever comes first).  If you have any questions about correct fitting, maintenance or storage, please contact our air spring team.

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Air Spring Applications, find out if this part will work for your Truck.

If you searched our site using your air springs part number then odds are we took you to the right place. If you feel your trucks air spring looks nothing like the schematic feel free to contact us and we will be glad to double check for you.

Cross References

  • Firestone W01-358-9473/ W013589473

  • Goodyear 1R12-586

  • Conti 9 10-17.5 P445 (BK)

Air springs can reduce your costs and increase your profits.

  • Last at least twice, and as much as four times longer than steel springs

  • Require little or no maintenance

  • Increase life of tires and brake linings

  • Substantially reduce breakage and maintenance of other vehicle components, including electrical, air conditioning, cab mounts, exhaust, chassis, seals, wiring and drive train

  • Let you haul anything; eliminate expensive deadheading runs

  • Reduce driver discomfort and dangerous fatigue; improve driver safety, productivity and loyalty

  • Allow perfect load equalization between axles; let you run at the maximum legal limit

  • Provide smoother ride for payload, reducing costly insurance claims and the expense of over packaging

  • Pay you back at trade-in time; trucks and trailers with air suspensions are worth more

  • 100% of all air spring assemblies are pressure tested before they leave factory.

  • 2 year / 250,000 mile warranty. Best in industry.

  • Trelleborg Vibracoustic rubber compounds have superior 'flex' range through temperatures of -76°F to 135°F.

Air Spring Components

  • Air springs are available in single, double and triple convolution types for virtually every conceivable heavy-duty vehicle suspension application.

Common Applications for Air Bags

  • Primary Trailer Suspension Air Springs provide outstanding cargo protection while reducing maintenance problems caused by road shock and 'trailer hop' when empty. Trailers last longer and can be used to haul a wider variety of cargo, reducing expensive empty trailer miles.

  • Lift Axle Air Springs allow you to lift the axle without ever leaving the cab. Saves tire wear under empty or partial load conditions and lets you negotiate tight corners with spread tandems.

  • Drive Axle Air Springs substantially improve the ride and handling of the tractor, resulting in greater driver comfort and safety, less tractor maintenance, longer tire wear and higher trade-in value. They require little maintenance and last more than twice as long as steel springs.

  • Front Axle Air Springs significantly improve steering and handling while improving tire wear and reducing problems caused by cab vibration.

  • Cab Mount Air Springs eliminate most problems experienced with standard cab mounts and help reduce damaging cab vibration.

  • Seat Air Springs increase driver comfort and help alleviate hazardous driver fatigue.